Sunday, July 10, 2016


Today was 'Hmmmmm?' day in the boat shed. I was looking the bulkheads up and down and trying to figure out how I'm going to approach installing them. I know, a bit ahead of myself, but that's how I roll in the shed!  :-)

First up, huge gap in blkd A.
Bulkhead A gap to hull side, approx. 1.5"
I knew fairly early on in the assembly of the hull that I was going to have issues like this down the road. The first thing, stretching the hull, changed some of the way the panels came together at the bow. Second thing is the strongback frame A wasn't secured enough and it moved as we pulled the panels together at the bow which changed the shape just a little bit.
Strongback Frame A
There was a lot of tension in the panels as we pulled them together over Frame A. As you can see in the pic below I had to use ratchet straps to get them to come together.
Pulling the panels together at the bow.
I lined up blkd A and B and tried to get their locations fixed as per the drawings. Something's slightly amiss and I can't put my finger on it.

Hmmmm? It's hard to eyeball a plumb line on the curved inside of the hull. So deciding I need to install bulkhead E (the main bulkhead that divides the fwd cabin and main cabin) first and get it perfectly square & plumb then I can easily determine the locations of the other bulkheads. Yes I did mark them on the hull when it was on the strongback.
Stations marked along the hull
Hmmmm? So blkd E will go in first. I'll get it all plumb & square then pull all the measurements off of it.  Hmmmmm? Now, where is it? There's a stack of decks & bulkheads in the back corner. Let's go look Ok?
Decks & bulkheads, assembled & glassed
Hmmmm? That's a big mother. Way back when, before the strongback was assembled I thought I was smart and assembled all the bulkheads & decks and glassed them while I could lay them out flat and use gravity to my advantage. Hmmmm? Not so smart. Spent a good portion of the day cutting them back apart.

It was about that time the Project Manager showed up and told me it was quitting time. He's not paying any more Overtime on Sunday so I had to call it quits! *sigh*
Boots, the Project Manager


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